There’s always something so new and refreshing about ringing in the New Year. I just love it. The whole month of January just feels like a new awakening or something.
This year, I’ll be setting some intentions and a few performance goals. My performance goals are to achieve a pistol squat and improve my conditioning because me my hubs and I will be heading out West and getting back into hiking. I want my lungs, lol, to handle all the elevation and get my legs even stronger!
So, tell me what is it that you’re looking forward to this year, or in the next couple of months? What would you like to accomplish? What are some of your goals?
Did you get a chance to read yesterday's email on writing a Vision Letter for the New Year? If you haven't give it a read and write yourself a sweet letter & date it for Dec. 31, 2019 congratulating yourself on each of your accomplishments!
I’m also looking forward to hosting my upcoming Health Habits Academy so that I can help women do health, nutrition, and fitness in a sustainable way forever! More on the Academy below and the link to sign up.
It is that time of year where everyone is hopping on the quick fix bandwagon, only to fizzle out in about 3-6 weeks, give or take a week or two. If this was you last year, how about trying something different this year. What do you have to lose?
My friend, I don’t want you to be that person. I really want to help you ditch the extremes and do things in a Sane, Simple and Sustainable way. I want to teach and show you how.
So, enter the Healthy Habits Academy!
I want to get this important course on your radar - the Healthy Habits Academy kicks off Jan. 21st.
The Healthy Habits Academy is a FREE 5 Day Nutrition and Lifestyle kick-start Academy to help you get consistent with your nutrition and feel your best so that you can THRIVE in and out of the gym!
So, if this is something you’d be interested in, sign up here to get on the waitlist.