Ever been told not to eat after a certain time, or at night?
I was having a conversation the other day with a woman about eating at night. She said “I try not to eat night because it’s bad for you. You shouldn’t go to sleep with food on your stomach that makes you gain weight”!
We’ve only been led to believe this because of Diet Culture.
All the rules!
We associate weight gain automatically from things we’ve heard or read from diets, or Sally down the street that goes to bed starving every night because of the diet that she’s on.
Sally didn’t tell you that she binges from Thursday to Sunday due to her highly restrictive diet. Then, she starts they cycle again on Monday, depriving and restricting her food intake.
Anywhoodle I digress!
What actually is the culprit of weight gain is a caloric surplus, not the time of day that we eat. And a caloric deficit is needed to lose weight, whether you track it or not.
The number of calories! Read that again!
Another way to say it is that you’re eating too much if you’re gaining weight.
No foods, to include bread, sugar, dairy, or fruit will automatically or magically make you gain weight.
Again, it’s how much you’re eating!
Speaking of going to bed hungry - I used to do that because my trainer said no more food after 7. Sad, sad affair. I used to cry and go to bed because I was so hungry.
I thought that was what I had to do to get that dream physique. Girl, was I wrong, and my trainer too!
Lies and misery perpetuated by the Diet Mentality.
You know why I was hungry? Because I wasn’t eating enough food to go with all the activity that I was partaking in. Sure, I was losing weight but, it wasn’t sustainable.
I gained it all back, plus some! Once the diet was over, it was lights out - I ate all the food that was off limits - yes, I did binge. I binged for many days. You want to know a dirty little secret?
Most of those people on covers of magazines or your favorite ripped up IG model only look like that for a day or two, then they gain 10-15 pounds in a week! Same for all those ripped, lean physique competitors that you may find yourself admiring! Be careful with who you are looking up to on the Gram.
Again, gaining weight comes from how much food you’re eating, not the time of day!
You’ve been led to believe that eating at night is one of the causes of gaining weight; it’s a lie, it’s a myth!
We all have. You’re not alone here.
I wanted to write this email because we are right on the corner, where folks set Weight Loss New Year’s Resolutions. We set Resolutions, hit it hard, only to be burnt out by February or March, if not earlier by jumping on these diets with all these rules.
My sweet friend. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Do it better for 2019. Get off the diet train and come to the STRONGER side! Let’s find a way of eating that will work for you, so that it’s sustainable.
So, book your FREE Discovery call here. I can’t wait to hop on a call and discuss how we can work together and finally get healthy, fit, and strong without restrictive diets!
I don’t want you starving yourself and doing excess cardio to lose weight anymore, or going to bed hungry as I and many of the women that I have worked with have!
I do hope you book that call. It’s a FREE No Obligation call, you have nothing to lose, but a lot to gain with me in your corner helping you through this fitness and nutrition stuff. It's confusing right?!
Thanks, for taking the time to read. Have a wonderful day!
In Strength