Happy Fri-yay! What’re your plans this weekend?
Me - I'll be Motorhome Shopping, taking the pups on a longer walk, and making homemade pizza - well Jeff is, lol. I'll make the salad, lol!
I will also be finishing the last touches on the Healthy Habits Academy that starts Monday. If you haven't signed up yet, be sure to sign up here!
So, let's hop into this week's Strong and Fit Round-up.
A blog by yours truly:
- 5 things to know about your metabolism
Some blogs to take a moment and read:
- Don’t fall prey to the cult of wellness
- Progress: One Pound at a Time
- A Ladies’ Guide to Your First Pull-Up
- The 6 MOST Common Deadlift Mistakes Women Make
Fitness Tings:
- Quickie Kettlebell Workout
- Valslide Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts
- Single Arm Dumbbell Rows
- Constant Tension Band Resisted Push-ups
Well well, STRONG friend, that's a wrap! I hope you're enjoying these weekly round-ups. I love putting them together for you. Let me know if you have any questions about anything that I share or if you want to discuss things a bit further, just reply back to this email!
I hope you have a lovely weekend!
In Strength
P.S. Also, I would love to hear any wins you've had this week! Hit that reply button; I love hearing from you!