So, I was wondering, how's your protein game? Is it STRONG, or could you up it a bit? How's your Hunger?
If your hunger has been all over the place and you're not quite sure how to get it under control, take a look at your Protein intake.
The Simple Solution, I believe, lies in increasing your protein intake.
It's a simple tweak that will pay off in dividends.
Protein is so important for building muscle, managing our hunger and cravings, repairing, and maintaining our muscle!
So, STRONG friend, make sure you're eating protein with your meals, at least at the main meals, and work your way up from there!
Any Protein questions hit reply and ask away!
Anywhoodle, let's hop into this week’s STRONG and Fit Weekly Round-up:
My Current Nutrition and Physique Goals as of late!
Some good reads to check out:
18 Uncomfortable Truths About Nutrition, Health, and Fitness - Nia Shanks
Working Out vs. Training vs. Movement: What’s the Difference? - Lindsay Camerik
Here’s the cost of getting lean - is really worth the tradeoff. - John Berardi
3 Exercises to Help Strengthen and Improve Posture - Shane McLean
Fitness Tings:
How to Do Zercher Squats!
Crunchless Core: Plank Plate Switches
How to Do a Bench Press with no Bench
5 Banded Juicy Booty Moves
Whelp, my friend, that's a wrap! I hope you have a lovely Sunday!
In Strength
P.S. Any questions?? Hit reply and ask away!