You see, ALWAYS restricting ALWAYS leads to bingeing on {insert banned food} when you finally allow yourself the banned food.
Personally speaking, I often found myself bingeing on many things that I put on the banned or bad food list when I was deep in the diet cycle. It was a vicious cycle that I want for no one.
Like the graphic illustrates when you ALLOW yourself to truly have the cookies, you actually don't eat them all. You eat a couple - maybe one, maybe 2, maybe 3, and then move on with life.
I know what you're thinking - if I eat what I want, ALLOW myself to have the banned food, I won't be able to control myself.
Before moving on, let me ask you this >> Do you want to stay in the cycle of food prison? I'm willing to guess that you don't!
Yes, ma'am, you probably will at first. You'll probably eat the entire sleeve of cookies because you have restricted for way too long.
P.S. It’s totally normal for this to happen.
Over time though, the cookies will lose their appeal. The more you expose yourself to the “TING”, the better you become around that food.
When you look at food as food, drop the guilt and the shame, that's truly when the magic will happen. You will feel in control; the Ting will no longer hold the power. #EmpoweredEater
The 3 reasons to have the cookie, or your, Ting that you have banned:
- If you have the cookie(s) now - really allow yourself to enjoy them, then you won't binge on them later.
- Practice having the cookies, or whatever the thing is for you. That way, when you do have a cookie, the scarcity is gone because you know that you can have cookies anytime, any day, any place!
Have a cookie every day instead of waiting for the weekend. Watch what happens!
- Heck, cause you like cookies, and you have banned them for way too long. You want a cookie, have a good cookie. Savor every bite!
My thing is ice cream. I have it when I want it, and now I don't binge on it when I have it. Sometimes I'll have a carton of ice cream for a month or more!
I actually practiced this - it's a skill - I put the food on - limits. I ditched the Diet Mentality and started working on my relationship with food.
Yep, sometimes I overate. It's part of the process. Eventually, I got to a point where I could have it without going overboard.
Practice!! This stuff takes time, it's a journey. It's never one and done.
You too can have a better relationship with food, if you choose. Also, remember - it's not about the food, it's about your thoughts and feelings about that food. Mindset is everything!
So, my STRONG friend, what is the Ting that you have put off limits? No more banned foods! This week have the Ting, and then have it again and again. It will lose its appeal.
The food is always available, and you can have it anytime and be around it without losing control. #TrueStory
The shame, the guilt, can end if you so choose!
At the end of the day, you get to Choose to have the Ting or not. You get to eat the foods that you love - whether that’s Broccoli, chicken, or a cookie two.
Thanks for reading! Have a great week!
In Strength
P.S. Need help with this stuff; I got you. It can be challenging navigating your nutrition and figuring out what works best for you. I'd highly recommend you book a Food Freedom Strategy call, where you and I hop on the phone and talk shop about how to build a Sustainable, Simple, and Sane plan when it comes to your unique needs. Book that call here!