Happy Monday, Happy April 1st!
Wow, I can't believe April is here. I am so pumped for the warmer temps. Spring is such a good time, it's almost like a new year in a new year, lol. New things are blossoming; everyone is making space for new things - you may be starting your new garden or potting a new plant, etc.
So, anywho, let's talk about training - about missing a workout, or even a few! Oh, the horror of it all!
What happens when you miss a workout?
NOTHING! Nothing happens, I tell ya.
Now, there was a time where I thought the opposite, and maybe you have to. It was not a healthy place to be with my fitness and training regime and mindset as a whole. I'm sure you have heard me talk about numerous times.
- I would miss social gatherings to train.
- Spend upwards of 2-3 hours driving to the gym, training, and driving back when we were vacationing, just so I could get it in! Back then I HAD to train in gym, or it wasn’t worth it – ya know, that All or Nothing Mentality.
- If and when I did miss a workout, I'd make up for it by doing extra training or cardio sessions and slashing my food really low.
Just to name a few. I missed out on so many experiences due to my fitness mentality back then.
So, over the last couple of weeks, my training has been hit or miss, and I am okay about it. I’ve missed training due to my schedule, travel, and business events. I wouldn’t change a thing about it…. well, maybe staying another week with my best girlfriend in Cali!
Earlier last month, I was in Cali and didn't always have access to a gym. I was only able to get to the gym twice to lift, and a few other workouts happened on the deck at my besties house. It was good enough.
Now, that's not to say I didn't move, get movement in. I walked every day and did some mobility drills!
Then, after that, I was able to get a few workouts in when I got to Austin at my home away from home gym, which was awesome.
Once the hubs and I left from there, we headed to Lake Guntersville, AL for an RV Entrepreneur Summit and I may have worked out twice there.
Guess what happened?
Nothing happened.
I didn't turn into a pumpkin, lol!
I didn't gain all the weight back or get fat.
I didn't become lazy.
I didn't lose muscle or lose any gainz!
I didn't regress.
Neither will you!
These were things that I thought would happen once upon a time. I was so adamant not to miss a workout. Never miss a Monday Mentality!
It was stressful, so unnecessary, and unhealthy.
I can tell you, if you’re missing family events etc. to get your workout in, that's a problem. Life is too short!
Now, I could have totally got up earlier and fit in a workout or something like that. Lol, one of the days we were going to do just that, in between my client calls and Jeff's work, but we decided not to because sleep was WAY more important. So, we did a training session later on in the day - a quickie 30 minute one.
My mentality now is that all is not lost, I can always get some type of activity in – movement should always be happening outside of your workouts as well, and that Something is better than Nothing when you’re in time-strapped situations. I can always resume my normal training schedule, etc. when I’m settled, or have the time to do so, or when I want to fit it in, without sacrificing quality time with
loved ones, etc.
My friend, don’t miss out on joy, fun, and life because you MUST get your workout in. It may be causing more harm than you realize.
Remember it’s what you do consistently over time with it all. << Read that sentence again! Missing your workout(s) here and there is not the end of the world. You’re not derailing your progress BECAUSE you are in this for life, right?! And, remember Life happens, so be adaptable and do the best that you can.
Success comes from CONSISTENCY, not rigidity!
One more thing, see the time off as recovery!! Now, that I’m back to my normal lifting schedule, I set some nice PR’s. I felt so strong and rested! It was so beneficial to my body!
That’s all for now, my friend!
Have a great Monday!
Any questions, no problem at all, hit reply and it’s talk it out!
In Strength