As you can see, gram for gram the potatoes are pretty darn close in nutrient and calorie breakdown!
Enjoy the one you love the most or eat both. I like both, so I eat both.
What matters when it comes to carbs is the Total Energy balance as a whole. Carbs don’t inherently make you store fat.
That’s that my friend. No need to fear carbs, they are your friends!
I will be diving a bit deeper into carbs, and the importance of NOT cutting them out of your diet, and Macronutrients in general in my upcoming Macro Matrix Webinar!
I’d like you to join me so that you can see that there really is no need to fear carbs and that you can love how you eat, keep it simple, sustainable, and still reach your goals!
I’d like you to join me so that you can see that there really is no need to fear carbs and that you can love how you eat, keep it simple, sustainable, and still reach your goals!
Join me Tuesday, April 30th at 7 p.m. CST for my Macro Matrix Webinar: How to Build your Plate for Consistent Nutrition without Restriction!
On this webinar, you will discover:
- How to kick your cravings, increase your energy, and never feel hungry again with my Hunger Cure Method. You’ll no longer be craving, hungry, or have low energy.
- How to successfully achieve your specific goals by using my Power Plate… you’ll love how predictable these outcomes can be for you!
- A customizable way to actually love the nutrition you’re eating because you see the positive results, making it sustainable, enjoyable, and achievable.