I’ve been talking about the opportunity of working with me in my STRONGER You Coaching program, sharing the outcomes and tings. Today, I want you to hear directly from the women that I’ve been fortunate to work with.
So, Today, I am going to share Melissa A’s story:
Melissa and I worked together for a year.
She came to me being done with Weight Watchers and years of yo-yo dieting - losing and gaining the same 10 pounds over and over, along with being on and off again with exercise. Her relationship with food and exercise was one of shame and guilt, which led to having an unhealthy relationship with it
We took a look at her nutrition and made the focus on what she could add to her meals, versus taking food away. This took the pressure and stress of eating away. Melissa really started enjoying her food and eating her meals again!
She now engages in activities that she enjoys and has energy for them. Activities such as her kayaking and rafting hobbies. Her mental bandwidth is no longer tied up with losing weight but getting STRONGER for Life, for the activities that she loves.
She even jogs better! In her words she says “that the shift in mindset comes functional strength, emotional strength, confidence, and self love!
Melissa is also crushing push-ups, deadlifting like a boss, squatting with good form, and hip thrusting, amongst many other lifts - which allows her to do ALL the LIFE things without any issue - pain, etc. She can pick up small children and get up and down from the floor - this used to be a issue for her, as she
works with kids for a living.
Last, but not least, probably the most POWERFUL thing is her mindset shift. She has shifted from extremes to consistency and from guilt to grace.
To wrap things up via Melissa:
Candace helped me change my mindset from #MaybeLater and #NoToday to #LiftTheThings and #KeepGoing 💪
She helped me realize my perfectionism and fear of failure was holding me back more than any specific deficit.
She helped me feel comfortable with bodyweight then bands, dumbbells, and kettlebells and then barbells- always giving me modifications and cues to stay safe and keep my form strong- but always challenging me
She helped me learn to eat in moderation (always a work in progress) and I find I am the type of woman who benefits more from adding things into my meals (protein and veggies) than taking things out of them (like carbs or
dessert). I feel like I eat in a way that is sustainable for life now, and that's a relief bc frankly, those diets were kicking my ass!
In the year we worked together, I'd say she pretty much changed my life! - & I'll be forever thankful. I'm working out on my own now (we
gotta leave the nest some time), but she taught me well- & I'm keeping up on all of it!
I'd recommend her coaching to anyone and everyone! For me, she is just the right balance of support and accountability. With her in your corner you'll see a difference- in your mindset, your strength and your body!!
Well, well there ya have it!
If you are at all interested in the STRONGER You 1:1 Coaching Program, click the button below to apply.