hey !
What's your thoughts on Consistency? I think about the Consistency piece a lot - probably all the time, lol. You've probably read an email or blog on the topic at hand that I've written in the past! It's a common topic amongst myself and my clients on the regular. That's one of the reasons why I'm writing bout it again today!
So, let's dive in...
Consistency is not about being perfect. Consistency works along a continuum, which leads to progress not perfection!
The dictionary defines consistency as conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness. There are also synonyms that are used - evenness, steadiness, stability, regularity, just to name a few.
Note, the word perfect does not show up anywhere in the definition, or in words that are similar.
So, why is that we think Consistency needs to be perfect in order to reach our health and fitness goals?
Consistency is at the top of the list for answers that I get when I ask people what they are struggling with the most.
I believe the reason, well a couple of reasons, is the perfection piece - why do it if I can't do it perfectly. Two, the perfection piece segue ways into the all or nothing syndrome. If I can't get my 1-2 hour training session in, why bother at all attitude. Insert any health or fitness related goal in there and boom - you have a recipe for NOT taking any Action!
The black or white thinking is holding a lot of folks all the way up - or is it all the way back? Yep, all the way back.
No Bueno, right?!
Today, I want you to take Action, even if it's a 20-minute workout 2 times a week. That's better than no times a week.
Set some small, actionable goals that you can track, like getting in a certain amount of steps each day, or like above - how many days of the week will work where you can get to the gym.
Grab yourself some frozen or pre-cut veggies that you can have with most meals. Frozen veggies last longer and are cheaper. Win-win!
It's also important to make sure you're doing something you enjoy.
Girlfriend, you can also grab yourself a workout partner so that you can help each other stay accountable.
Planning ahead is also key to being consistent. Make it Simple, so it's Sustainable.
My STRONG Friend, start with the time that you have available, and as some of your time frees up, add more.
Don't bite off more than you can chew, because that's when the overwhelming and inconsistency piece sets in. Am I right?!
If you hit some bumps in the road, fall of the "proverbial track," get right back on the horse. Don't let it turn into the eff its! Again, keep going. Give yourself some Grace and one more time for all times sake KEEP GOING! It's not over until you quit.
Lastly, celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and be patient with yourself! Get a new workout outfit, a new pair of sandals, get a mani-pedi. Do something special for yourself.
Ditch the black and white thinking and keep moving forward. Our health and fitness is not a race - there is no deadline. It's for life!
Thank you for reading! Until next time, keep taking action!
In Strength
P.S. Need some guidance and direction - need a plan that will get you the results your desire? Book a STRONGER You Discovery Call here; we can explore 1:1 Coaching, if not, we can also explore any of my other services. If we decide that right now isn't a good time, you'll at least walk away from the call with some strategies that will move you forward in
your health journey!