I'm not too bad myself. I'm looking forward to this last weekend here in Michigan with my family. What are you up to this weekend?
I wanted to address a thing or two in hopes that it will help you if you are not sure about navigating your nutrition, how to eat, or what to eat!
Fitness and nutrition is so confusing at time. There is so much information and it all can be so misleading. Everyone has opinion. A lot of coaches/trainers will have you believing so many things that aren't true. The diet industry is a vortex!!
For example…
- Carbs make you fat.
- Don’t eat carbs at night.
- Fruit will make you fat.
- Eating small meals every 2-3 hours will stoke your metabolism.
- Meat will kill you.
- Calories don’t matter, just do Keto!
To name a few!
The “don’t eat at night” got me fired up yesterday after getting off a coaching call - well, all of them do, if I have to say, lol! We talked about this myth that she had been led to believe.
I’m so fired up about it because I too once believed this and followed it to the letter of the law. I didn’t eat at night for many years, even when I was physically HUNGRY. I would go to bed hungry.
Once I finished my food for the day, which by the way would be sometimes between 5-7 o’clock, I’d head to bed!
I would go to bed crying because I was hungry!!! I wouldn’t allow myself to eat anymore because my trainer said that I couldn’t, that it would make me fat.
So, the sooner I went to bed, the quicker morning would come and I could eat again.
So sad! Not sane, not healthy to say the the least!
, this voodoo quackery.
When you are hungry, EAT. EAT something!!
If you have a coach/trainer telling you can’t eat at night, run the other way.
If they are banning whole food groups, run far far away.
The time of day that you eat will not make you gain fat.
You can have more than a protein shake at night.
You can eat carbs at night! Eat the carbs, while staying in a deficit, if your goal so happens to be Fat Loss.
Also, carbs don’t magically make you gain weight because you eat them after a certain time.
Again, it’s fear mongering to keep you in perpetual state of yo-yo dieting. Also, to keep you jumping from diet to diet, and not figuring out what works best of YOU!
My STRONG friend, what makes you gain weight:
- A caloric surplus!
- Eating a caloric surplus over an extended period of time!
Not the fact that you are eating at night or carbs!
That is all.
Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful weekend!
In Strength
P.S. Need help navigating the nutrition noise? I got you. Let’s hop on a No-Obligation to you STRONGER You Discovery Call and figure out the best approach for YOU. Book it here!
P.S.S. Got a question or two about strength training or nutrition, reply back to this email and ask away! :)