Happy Friday! How are you? I hope this email finds you well.
I noticed that I hadn't done a Friday 5 in a hot minute, so I thought I would share 5 Strength Training related thingees, lol!💪🏾
So, let's kick things off with Push-ups!
1) Push-ups:
Push-ups are the bomb dot com; they are such a great total body exercise that I believe all women can achieve with practice, time, and consistency.
One of my favorite Push-up variations that I like to use with my clients is the Iso Metric Hold Push-up (in the bottom position). They can be done by lowering down to the bottom push-up from a tall plank or from the bottom position - set your hands and body from the ground and push-up to the bottom position (90-degree arm
From there you can hold anywhere from 10-30 seconds for a few sets. Track your time so that you can see your progress from training session to training session. Over time, try to increase your time of holding the position longer.
2) Snatch Grip Deadlifts:
I've been doing these for my training cycle as of late, and I am loving them. I almost forgot how great they are for building back strength! They also improve your grip/forearm strength, and of course your hamstring and glutes!
If you've been doing conventional and sumo for a while, take a training block of 4-6 weeks of Snatch Grip Deadlifts and thank me later. A STRONGER Back will help with some many things in life - in the gym - hello Pull-ups and outside of the gym, like picking up things, our posture, etc. Just to name a few!
3) Not feeling your hamstrings during RDL's?
A few recommendations:
- Decrease the weight and really hammer form. Make sure you are sitting back in your hips. Feel the hamstrings catch - you should feel a stretch in the hamstrings. And remember to keep your back flat as you lowering into the hinge and your neck neutral (head in line with your torso.
- Practice the movement without weight, just your bodyweight. You can train the movement without any weight and still fill your hamstrings doing the work - like this!
- Some more cues - think butt back, not down (reach hips back like you're trying to shut the door or booty bump someone), maximum hip bend, and moderate knee bend (soft knees)
- Try this Band Resisted Hip Hinge! Check it out here!
4) Shoulders, shoulders, boulder shoulders! I've been doing a dedicated Shoulder day, and I like what I am seeing. #Gainz
This is what I've been doing for 5 weeks now:
1.Barbell Military Press - 5x8-10
2a. Dumbbell Arnold Press - 4x10
2b. Lateral Raises 3x 10
3a. Push-ups 3x 8-12
3b. Dumbbell Rear Delt Rows 3x 8-12
4. Front Plate Raises 3x10
5) Dynamic Upper Body warm-up that I am loving:
- Kettlebell Swings x 10
- Yoga Push-up x 6- 10
- Single or Double Arm Farmer Carries
- Bear Crawl - 10 crawls forward - 10 crawls back
- Band Pull-aparts
I like to run through it 3 or 4 times and then I am ready to lift the damn things! You will be too!
Whelp, my STRONG friend, that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed this Friday 5! Let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything that I can help you with! Also, let me know what you implement from the above!
Have a lovely weekend!
In Strength
"Any Trainer can make you tired, not any Trainer can make you better!"
Sisters In Strength -||--------||- - An Online Community for Women who are TIRED of the Extremes, tired of Losing and Gaining the Same Weight over and over, TIRED of the Quick Fixes, and the Voodoo Quackery.
Sisters in Strength is place for Women who LOVE the IRON - we Lift the Things! We Eat, we Train, and we THRIVE!
Are you struggling with your Nutrition and Fitness - don't know what to do or does your diet got your energy down in the dumps? Want a coach who can help you with this stuff? I got you, head to this link and book a free NO obligation Discovery Call so that we can get some wins under your belt so that you can stop spinning your