Happy Monday to ya! I hope this email finds you well.
I wanted to share a few things that I have been thinking about as of late. You can probably relate, and if so, I would love for you to reply to this email and share what you wish you knew in regards to improving your health and wellness or weight loss/fat loss.
Thank you so much in advance. Let's hop in!
One - I wish that I knew that cleanses were dangerous, and that all I would be doing is pooping my guts out while making myself dehydrate and hangry!
Lastly, any results that came from the cleanse would instantly disappear once the cleanse/detox was finished. Plus wasting my heard earned coin!
I bet you're nodding your head as you read this.
Two - I wish that I knew those waist trainers were dangerous. Did you know that our organs have the potential to be displaced from wearing waist trainers? Those really tight waist trainers put a lot of pressure on your vital organs. Did you know that waist trainers could cause kidney damage?
That thing hurt so bad, I wore one for a good while thinking I was gonna shrink my waist. I couldn't breathe properly or sit down comfortably, because it was digging into my waist and ribs.
They are a waste of time, money, and damaging to your health!
Three - I wish that I knew that dieting on low, low calories would cause my metabolism to slow down, and that I would lose muscle.
Our bodies adapt to those low calories eventually, and that becomes our new normal, your new maintenance calories. This is one of the reasons why you'll hear women say I don't understand why I am gaining weight on 1200 calories. 1200 calories has become their new maintenance.
Dieting on poverty calories/macros (too low calories for your body) causes your metabolism to slow down to preserve energy - the losing stops and hunger increases, and your satiety (fullness) decreases, amongst many other things. Your metabolism is doing its job – saving you from perceived starvation.
Ever had the feeling of being a bottomless pit when you can't take it anymore?
I did this for many, many years. I cut out carbs, or cut them super low to the point of having no energy, low body temperature, mood swings, etc.
Fourth - I wish I knew that I didn’t have to cut whole food groups out.
Every single time I went on a diet, I removed carbs. All the starchy ones, except for a sweet potato every now and then.
I loved carbs - potatoes, rice, squash, etc. I cut them out though cause I thought that's what I had to do to lose weight.
Yeah, I lost weight alright, and gained it all back, plus some! AND disordered eating!
This leads me to the last thing I wish I knew. There are plenty more than 5 unfortunately, but we are sticking with 5 today.
Fifth - I wish I knew that I didn't have to suffer, or feel deprived, only to binge on the weekends on the things that I removed, or even on things that I didn't even like or enjoy!
How about you?!
It makes me so sad to this very day, October 21st, 2019, most women still believe that they have to suffer, that they have to white knuckle their way through, or it's not working!
This is so far from the truth, STRONG friend! There is a better way!
So, what is it that you wish you knew?!
Hit reply and share away.
One more thing before I turn you loose...
On Thursday, October 24th, I have a super sweet opportunity that I am taking part in that relates to today's email content, and I like to invite you to it as well.
So, stay tuned for that! Look for the email subject to say something along the lines of "Join me..." or you're "Invited to..."!
Take care and thank you for reading! Don't hesitate to reach out!
In Strength