Hi ! Happy Saturday!
Let me ask you a question or two!
How many times have you gone a on a diet that promised you'd lose 30 lbs or {insert weight loss results} in "x' amount of days? Only to lose the said weight but gain it all back plus some?!
It's frustrating right?
There are many reasons why this phenomena happens....
1. The weight loss happened too fast. When you lose too much weight too fast you lose muscle with it - this is no bueno. This causes a slow down in your metabolic rate, and as mentioned before, what used to cause weight loss is now you new normal.
Anything over those end range calories will cause weight gain and most of the time rebound weight gain. Our bodies will force us to eat, it really thinks it's in famine, and with that comes the rebound weight.
2. The methods were too extreme. The methods that were used were not maintainable, or as I like to say, not sustainable. Ya know, like cutting out all carbs, ditching fruit, or ditching some of your favorite dishes, and only sticking to white fish and asparagus. Kill me now!
There were many times that the only vegetable that I would eat were green beans! Now, I can't touch them with a ten foot pole. I stuck to one vegetable and no others because they had too many carbs, lol. Of all things - I freaking cut out all vegetables but one.
Diet culture, diet mentality dishing out the voodoo quackery! They lied to me, they are lying to all of us! It's what keeps women stuck in the perpetual diet cycle. I know it did for me.
Enough is enough, am I right?!
My STRONG friend, Dieting primes your body for fat gain, so don't believe the hype.
If you're eating too low calories and exercising like a maniac, it will eventually lead to fat gain - the body will fight you back!! If you lose the weight too fast, it will come back the same way you lost it, plus more and with muscle loss - this is NO BUENO!
- If you're tired of losing and gaining the same weight over and over.
- If you're tired of the extreme diets
- If tired of being told what you can and cannot eat.
- If you're tired of feeling miserable, HANGRY, and tired being stuck eating too low calories!
Then, my STRONG friend you HAVE to give Crush the Diet Bootcamp a shot.
The Crush the Diet Bootcamp is a FREE 5-day challenge designed to bust the diet lies that have been holding you back from getting the results you want. (You’re not the problem.)
Whelp, I hope you join Kiki and I, and the other women who have already signed up for the bootcamp. You don't want to miss this amazing opportunity.