Good afternoon !
Happy Monday! I hope this email finds you well.
I've got a super fun and quickie workout that you can do right at home with no to minimal equipment.
I didn’t create this workout for you to help burn off any extra treats you eat.
I created it to help you get a quickie workout in and improve the QUALITY of your life.
To keep the crazy away - hello mental health, to keep you cool and collected, lol. I also know that you like to do SOMETHING when time is of the essence. #SomethingIsBetterThanNothing
If you are training today or over the holidays - if not, that's okay too! No shame or judgment - if you can fit it in!
You can work out if you like; if not, no worries. Give yourself permission to take time off if you want to with no shame, ridicule of guilt!
Fitness should never be a chore, or used as punishment!
It's a gift; we get to! It's not about burning calories or earning our food either.
Remember this - Count memories, not calories!
As you already know, getting your fitness on can help you sleep better, cut your stress levels, and boost your immunity (which can be issues at this time of the year!).
That’s not even mentioning all the other healthy benefits ... like helping to reduce your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.
Quick, efficient, and minimal equipment workouts (like the one I’m about to share with you) have the added bonus of giving you all those benefits without taking a lot of time.
Family Time Alert.
If you have family around, get them to join you in this workout. This holiday-themed workout makes it so much fun!
It’s a “ladder” workout, done to the format of the song “The 12 Days of Christmas.”
Every round, you add a new exercise, and you do that exercise for the number of reps it would be for the day it represents in the song.
So, for round 1, you would do 1 banded bodyweight squat, and then for round 2 you would do 2 squat thrusts + 1 banded bodyweight squat, day 3 would be 3 push-ups + 2 squat thrusts + 1 banded bodyweight squat … all the way to day 12, when you would do the whole thing from day 12 through day 1.
12 Days of STRONGMas Workout
- Warm-up with some dynamic warm-up drills such as knee hugs, quadruped rockbacks, glute bridges, band pull-apart, etc.
- The workout is bodyweight based!
- Equipment needed: your beautiful self and booty band that’s it.
- If you like, you can add dumbbells to the exercises that they would work for.
- Rest at the bottom of the circuit for 60 - 90 sec.
- Rest as needed, even if you need to between exercises.
- Keep good form - form breaks down rest!
1 Banded Bodyweight Squat
2 Squat Thrust ( it’s a burpee with no push-up)
3 Push-ups or Incline Push-ups (hands elevated on a surface or bar)
4 Bodyweight Reverse Lunge (4 ea side)
5 Plank shoulder taps (5 ea side)
6 Inverted Rows or Band Row or Dumbell Row of your choosing
7 Inchworms otherwise know as Walkouts
8 Lateral Band Walks (8 ea side)
9 Bicycle Crunches (9 ea side)
10 Banded Glute Bridges
11 Russian twists (11 ea side)
12 High Knees (12 ea side)
Be sure to cool down with some light movement (walking, stretching, etc.) to bring your heart rate down.
Let me know how it goes once you do the workout! I think you're gonna love it!
It’s a fun way to get a little movement in, and also spend time with your friends or family.
Have an amazing day!
In Strength
I still have a few STRONG3R You Success mapping sessions left, so, If you would like help breaking down a simple step-by-step action plan to help you reach your goals to finish out 2019 STRONG and set yourself up for success in 2020 book your call here!