Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
I just wanted to take a moment to wish you and your family the most AMAZING holiday this year. I hope you are having a wonderful time this morning and a good day thus far!
It has been an honor to be a part of your journey this year and cannot wait to continue on your journey with you in 2020!
This time of year is a time for reflection, celebration, spending time with people you care about, and taking some time to rest and recharge!!
Here is my holiday wish for you...
When I was reflecting on this past year, I kept thinking about how incredibly grateful I am to be able to do what I do.
I truly appreciate YOU. I hope that the info, guidance, strategies, tools, and such that I share makes a difference in your life.
I am so fortunate to be able to help the women that I work with as one-on-one clients, my virtual personal training clients. Even the ladies that I haven't personally worked with that have been part of Beauty Strength since it's inception to this day - Lift The Things, reframe their mindsets, ditch the yo-yo dieting, ditch the extremes, move better, feel better, and improve their health, etc!
Being part of someone’s wellness team is not something I take lightly!
So … thank you for trusting in me to help you along your journey whether we have worked together or not!! :-)
My wish for you in the coming year is that you continue to make the time for YOU and your self-care …
And that you make it a priority because YOU ARE WORTH IT. YOU ARE WORTHY!
Carving “you” time out of your busy schedule is so important because it gives you space to enjoy the things that light you up – and that helps you to live your best life!
I hope that you can make space in your life to intentionally unplug and be PRESENT so you can breathe, move, and eat in a way that fuels you and include the foods that you love.
AND spend time with your loved ones and create amazing new experiences!
Those are the little moments that add up to a big life – and that’s what I wish for you over the coming year. :)
Lastly, Wherever you are and whatever you're doing, I hope you are 100% present, enjoying yourself, cherishing every moment, and not stressing about the food.
In Strength,