Hey, hey
Happy Monday!
Real quick, before we jump into the email subject...
I want to make sure you don't miss The STRONGER Way Masterclass that I am hosting tomorrow @ 7 p.m. CST. Have you grabbed your spot yet?! If not, you can do so here! It's not too late to sign up. I'd love for you to join me.
I'll be covering why women who #LiftTheThings...
- need carbs to thrive in and out of the gym
- why you shouldn't be cutting carbs so low
- how doing too much cardio will inhibit your muscle building efforts
- why you are so exhausted and feel as though you have no energy
- should have training program that they follow for at least 4-6 week
It's gonna be an amazing time. I hope you can make it and if you do I'll have a lil something - something for those who attending the masterclass!
Alright, alright, lots hop into today's email topic...
STRONG friend, you #LiftTheThings, right?!
Well, I want to make sure you are living no stone unturned when it comes to getting stronger and or building muscle.
Here are 7 habits for women that lift, that will help you reach your goals, keep you injury free in and out the gym, and keep you conistent so that you can the results that you desire:
1. Get your dynamic arm-up in before you start lifting. It doesn't have to be too long. Do 3-5 rounds of some dynamic warm-up drills and then hit the iron. This will prep you for your lifts, bring your core temp up, prevent injury, warm-up your joints, and get your mind ready for your training session.
2. Track your workouts so that you can see how you're doing - see your progress - what weights you're using over time. How will you know how much to try the following week if you can't remember what you did last week for your deadlift?!
3. Make sure you are prioritizing Compound Lifts! Squatting, Hinging, Bridging/Thrusting (Hip Thrusts), Lunging, Pushing and Pulling in the vertical and horizontal planes, and carrying.
The basics are so important; they're the foundation and should take priority in your training sessions. I'm still doing them to this day, and I have been lifting over 10 years.
Neither myself or my clients are standing on Bosu balls or doing complicated exercises.
That stuff is for the birds. That stuff is not making you STRONGER, fitter, or even functional!
4. You must progress (Progressive Overload) - you must do more overtime or stay right where you are. If you want to get stronger and gain muscle, you gotta add more load, more reps, or more sets, or increase your training frequency, etc.! To name a few.
5. Use good form always, no sloppy reps! Do your exercises with a full range of motion (no cheat reps) - safely and correctly, or only go to a depth that is safe for your fitness level! If you can't, check your ego and lower the weight. Earn the increased weight; don't jump up too quickly. You'll get there!
6. Stop program hopping and doing random workouts. There is a time and place for random workouts, but if you have goals or wanting to achieve performance goals of some sort, then you have to stay the course. Otherwise, you won't see the fruits of your lifting!
Random workouts = Random Results << remember that when you're wondering why you aren't stronger or seeing any progress in your lifts!
7. More doesn't mean better. Chasing sweat and soreness is NOT a smart way to approach or measure your progress or whether not it was a good workout. Train smarter, not harder. Chase performance, NOT Fatigue!
Whelp, how are you doing with these?! Are you crushing it or not progressing - and progressing isn't just adding weight to bar.
I'd love to know how you are doing with your lifting ... reply to email and share away. I love hearing from you!
Lastly, don't forget to save your seat for The STRONGER Way Masterclass!
In Strength