Since then, I have been getting some questions on how this all works, so I thought I’d take a minute and answer those here:
Q: How can you The STRONGER Way Training Membership Program help me?
A: The STRONGER Way Training program will help you establish a consistent strength training and nutrition practice.
The way I coach strength and nutrition is founded on the principles of sustainability.
I can give you the tools and the strategies to stay consistent and be successful with your health, fitness, and nutrition.
One of the big pieces of STRONGER Way Training program is getting you to a place of peace and understanding that you DO NOT have to kill yourself in the gym or berate yourself for your food choices.
You will see just how simple it can be to get right back on track! < - -- I've been hearing this a lot lately and I really want to simplify this for you. You are never more than 1 step, 1 meal, 1 Lift session, 1 opportunity to getting right back on the track.
You only fail if you quit. So, get on back up, dust your shoulders off with the guidance of The STRONGER Way Training Membership Program!
Q: I’ve tried other programs and coaches in the past. What makes this one different?
A: This is not some random program of IG or Pinterest or random exercises that I have thrown together.
My training programs are designed for women who want to get STRONG, build muscle, and stay consistent.
You're also getting nutritional guidance - I'll be helping you master your nutrition habits with ease. We humans complicate nutrition. It really can be simply and not stressful. I'm gonna show you how!
I have ten plus years of coaching women through sustainable nutrition & fitness practices. They have gotten results and have been consistent!
I take a vested interest in helping you achieve sustainable outcomes.
There will be no misery, banned food lists, or marathon training sessions.
You will get time, energy - mental and physical back into your life, and a forever approach that will be realistic!
The membership is also only open to 12 women so that you won't get lost in the sea of a huge group.
Some programs out there like my online training membership have 100's, if not 1000's of women in them. Those women aren't getting the support and accountability in a group of that size. I know, because women have told me their experiences - sometimes the coach isn't even in the group.
Even though this is a group program, you will still get the help, support, accountability and care that you need. Your questions - form checks on your lifts, and your nutrition habit questions will be answered. You won't be ignored or have to wait a week to get a response.
Q: Is The STRONGER Way Training Program right for me?
Well, that depends...
A: The STRONGER Way Training Program is for you if you want to build muscle, Lift the Things....
If you have not be able to see any progress with your muscle-building efforts..
If you want a structured program that will get your results
It's for you if you want to have a better relationship with food.
It's for you if you want to learn how to go out to eat with your family and not obsess about how you are gonna work off your food the next day!
The STRONGER Way Membership is for you if you want to be able to squat, lunge, pull-up, push-up, and deadlift, amongst many other STRONG things.
Other STRONG things like picking up a heavy case of water without throwing your back out, carrying all the grocery bags plus your purse, lol, or moving the furniture your damn self because you can!
Heck, investing in your future self! Your body's 401k plan!
Or whatever activity that you need strength for - hiking, etc.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the point! The STRONGER Way Training Membership Program is where you want to be for a STRONGER mind and a STRONGER body!
Q. Do I need a gym membership?
A. Yes and No! If you have an at-home gym that is well equipped with a barbell and dumbbells, a squat rack or stand, and a bench, then you are good to go!
I will be providing modifications in place of the barbell exercises!
Q: Is this a contract?
A: Yes, it is a 3-month minimum commitment- After completing three months, you can cancel anytime. Or continue on a month to month basis! I'd love for you to stay!
Grab your membership here for The STRONGER Way Training Membership Program.
Alright, alright, my STRONG friend, that’s it for now. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I'll be checking my email periodically today, so I can get any questions answered.
Well, one more thing, don't forget your bonuses are expiring soon! They will expire tomorrow at 2 p.m. CST.
BONUS #1: My STRONG Gal Smoothies!
BONUS #2: My STRONG Gal Snackies Guide!
Don't hesitate to sign-up because when the spots fill, they fill!