How the heck are you? Happy Friday! What day of quarantine is this?
I've stopped counting a long time ago... how about you?
I know for some of us, our states are slowly lifting restrictions. Has your state started to lift some restrictions?
But, I know things can still be stressful, even though some of the restrictions are being lifted. I know for me, it's been the uncertainty of potentially having nowhere to park my home on wheels.
The Government has totally left out Full-Time RVers.
But we have been fortunate to hunker down in Alabama at a State Park, as I mentioned in my last email.
So, how's your stress level?
Are the little things that you usually shrug off seeming to be causing more stress and frustration more than usual?
The stress of it all is can add up fast. I wanted to send out a quick email today about simple things you can do to reduce your stress!
In my At-Home THRIVING Kit, I mentioned something from Stephen R. Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. If you haven't grabbed the At-home THRIVING Kit, you can do so here. It's still available!
When you focus on the things outside of your control (like what’s happening in the world outside your house over the past couple of months!), you are in REACTION mode.
That is not a fun place to be. It’s like you’re waiting for the next big problem to hit, so you are always on alert.
But when you shift your focus to the things you CAN control (like your daily habits, how you treat others, your immediate surroundings, and your actions) – you move into a PROACTIVE mode. (This is called your Circle of Influence.)
Staying in your “Circle of Influence” will help you alleviate so much stress!
Now, obviously, if you’re feeling seriously stressed and anxious, you should talk to a professional for some guidance.
Here’s a quick Action Plan to help you stay inside your Circle of Influence:
1. Stressed? If you're feeling stressed, move yourself PHYSICALLY out of your environment. Don’t sit there watching the news or staring at your devices. Go for a walk, listen to music, workout, or meditate.
2. Clear Your Mind. With all of the chaos, disorder, and uncertainty, more than ever, you need to be still, clear your mind, and think for YOURSELF. Meditate, pray, breathe, do whatever works for you, but spend some time in silence daily and breathe. (minimum of 5 minutes).
3. WORKOUT i.e. #LiftTheThings. At LEAST 3-5 times a week. Enough said!
If you are ready for some structure, accountability, and support.
I have two options you can choose from - A STRONGER Way Training Membership: An online group monthly training program designed to help you get STRONG, build muscle, and establish consistent nutrition habits. It consists of 3 All-Body Strength Training sessions, 1 Conditioning session, as well as Mobility Dynamic Warm-ups with video demos for all exercises, as well as nutrition guidance, and a support Facebook Community!
Another option is my 1:1 No Gym, No Problem Virtual Personal Training - Check it out here. I also have group pricing for virtual training sessions as well. Any questions don't hesitate to reach out!
4. Media/Digital Detox: There’s a big difference between being informed and over-consuming the news. Be mindful of the amount of time you’re watching it. Learn what you need, and then shut it down.
5. Gratitude: First thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
6. Morning Ritual: Don't skip it. Make sure you start your day with something that sets your day up for success!
Remember!! You can’t pour from an empty cup my STRONG friend!
Lastly, you don’t have to do any of this alone. If you need guidance, support, and accountability with your fitness and or nutrition or building new STRONG Thriving habits, I can help you reach your goals! Book a STRONGER You Discovery Call here!
Stay STRONG & Healthy!
In Strength,