I hope you, your family, and your friends are doing well and staying healthy!
For me, there have been two big takeaways from this pandemic.
One, people are truly AMAZING. Whether it’s making masks for healthcare professionals, delivering food to the elderly, reading inspiring stories to children over the internet, leaving $100 and $1000 tips at local restaurants, or entire street blocks singing from their balconies!
It’s incredible to see how we can all pull together.
Two, your health is PRICELESS. Doing whatever you can to build up and guard your immune system is worth it.
I’ve put together a quick self-assessment checklist list that I personally try to follow every day, and I thought I would share it with you.
This list isn’t just important right now in the midst of everything going on; it’s something we should be paying attention to for the rest of our lives!
Important Mini Self-Care Checklist:
😰 How are my stress levels?
A little everyday stress (like the kind you get from workouts) is good because it stimulates your immune system and spurs you to take action. But chronic stress takes a toll on your body (and mind) over time and may leave you susceptible to illness.
If you find yourself feeling tense or anxious, and are having trouble sleeping or relaxing, make time to UNPLUG! Step away from the news, relax, and do something fun.
Tip: try the box-breathing technique in my At-Home THRIVING Kit ebook that I sent ya a couple of weeks ago! Download It Here!
🍏🥦🍊🍉 Am I eating enough veggies & fruits for antioxidant power?
The USDA recommends 5-9 servings a day, and some experts even recommend 10+ for even more benefit.
One serving = ½ cup fruits and veggies, or 1 cup leafy greens.
A super simple way to get a ton of veggies in at once is to eat one Big Ass Salad a day!
Also, if fresh veggies aren't accessible to you, get some frozen and or canned veggies. They're just fine to include in your diet as well!
This can help give your body the micronutrients it needs to power up your immune response.
💪🏾🏋🏾♀️🚶🏾♀️ Am I getting at least 30 minutes of training or movement most days of the week? And up to 1 hour if you’re doing moderate exercises like brisk walking or light cardio?
This is so important because:
- Exercise boosts immunity by causing changes in your illness-fighting antibodies and white blood cells (an important part of your immune system). Plus, being physically active can help flush bacteria out of your lungs and airway!
- Workouts raise your body temperature slightly, which may prevent bacteria from growing, and also might help you fight infection.
- Exercise can help burn off stress. As I mentioned above, chronic stress is not good for your immune system.
😴 🛌 Am I getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night? If you don’t get enough sleep, your body makes fewer cytokines, a type of protein that targets infection and inflammation, creating an immune response.
🧼 Am I washing my hands EVERY time I need to? This helps prevent the spread of any bugs and viruses you’ve picked up.
🙋🏾♀️ Am I keeping my hands away from my face? This also helps prevent the spread of any other bugs and viruses you’ve picked up!
I am reminding myself daily to keep my hands off my face.
It’s a simple list, but it’s a powerful one. It’s the basics that matter most.
🍹 🍷 Am I being mindful about my alcohol consumption?
I know it can be super easy to have a nightly glass of wine or glass or three on virtual happy hours, so be mindful.
Among many other things, alcohol can mess with your sleep, your workouts, and your food choices.
✅ How are you doing on that list?
Stay vigilant with those healthy habits!
Thank you for reading, I hope you have an amazing Memorial Day Weekend!!
Stay Healthy & STRONG!
In Strength
If you’re ready to take that next step toward improving your fitness and or nutrition, I'm here for you! Book a STRONGER You Discovery Call here so that we can map out a plan for you!
P.S.S. Don't forget to sign-up for the Juicy Booty June Challenge! Grab your spot here! 14 days of Booty Building, fun, and getting or staying consistent! I hope you join us!