I hope this email finds you well. Wooo wee, we are going through some times, huh?! So, I hope you are doing well as you can be and taking care of yourself.
I wanted to pop in today and talk about beating cravings.
It's a subject that comes up often. I get asked how to beat them, curb em, avoid them, and why am I so hungry. Or how do I manage my hunger?
The answer is simple, really!
And you may have heard me say it before, STRONG friend, like a broken record.
I can't stop, I won't stop, because I care about you! I have no voodoo quackery hacks, it’s just not in my integrity.
EAT! Yes, in all caps with LOVE and grace!
E -A-T, in my Aretha Franklin voice to the tune of her R-E-S-P-E-C-T, lol! This came to me as I was writing this email.
Like today's email subject:
C-R-A-V-I-N-G-S, what do they mean to me!
With that said, Respect your mind, body, and soul when it comes to nourishment - your nutrition!
Eat enough.
Eat to honor your hunger.
Eat to honor your cravings.
Eat to supply yourself with the energy that you need.
Eat for your well-being.
Eat to fuel your training sessions.
Eat for enjoyment.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the point!
No - again, I don't really have any hacks.
Don't avoid them or try to fill yourself with sugar-free, low-fat things, black bean brownies, or forcibly making yourself eat halo top. Nothing inherently wrong with those things. I only found one halo-top that was worth my time, lol! But, you and I both know those things most of the time are band-aids.
If you enjoy them and they light up your whole soul, go for it. But, if you are trying to avoid and restrict for days, months on end... you know what happens when you can't take it anymore. I don't even have to say it.
Quick note - I do have a black bean brownie recipe situation that is really good. NOTE, it does taste good, but it is not superior, nor are we - you and I - good for choosing to eat that over the regular brownie. If you want the "real brownie," eat it and move on with life without shame, no guilt, and no ridicule.
What is life without decadent, delicious things in moderation!
Nor does the answer lie on sheer willpower, white knuckling, etc.
I know you don't want to hear this, but I have to say it anyway...
If you don't eat properly during the day, it will bring on cravings/hunger in the evening, as your body should. It’s turning on its self-defense system!
The solution you are looking for - it’s simple, really…
Stop starving yourself, stop banning whole food groups and over-exercising. Start eating and nourishing yourself.
Another SUPER SIMPLE suggestion is to make sure you're eating enough protein!
Make sure you’re eating adequately.
Fuel your body properly!
It is disastrous to your whole well-being when you increase your exercise - going from zero to hero while cutting your food intake by more than half at the same time.
I see you! I've been there and done that! I know what you're trying to do, because that’s what I used to do too.
STRONG friend, this is not the way!
Fuel your body adequately - properly. There is a better way even if you are trying to drop body fat, i.e., fat loss - be in a calorie deficit. The answer does not lie in extremism.
I see it ALL. THE. TIME. Women ramp up the exercise and cut back their food, wondering why they're so hungry, and can't stay out of the pantry or fridge at night. It will be hard to sustain that. But I think you know that.
If this something, you can't quite figure out.
If you don't know how to fix this and actually get the results you want without killing yourself and eating like I bird. I got you!
Book a no-obligation Connection call with me, and let's get to the root. It may be a simple tweak to what you're already doing that will get you moving forward. Book your call here.
That's all my STRONG friend. Thank you for reading. Any comments, questions, etc. reply back to this email. I love hearing from you!
In Strength