Good morning , Happy Tuesday to
ya! I hope this email finds you well.
Before we hop into today's email, I'd like to invite you to check out my Boulder Shoulder September Sessions. It's a specialized 3-week shoulder building program.
I'm popping in with a fun exercise, of sorts, that I think you'll
love. It will probably feel cheesy at first!
It's empowering and a confidence builder that will end your day on a good note!
At night, most of the time, we're looking ahead at ALL of the things we need to get done, and rarely take a few minutes to actually reflect on the day.
We're always in the "what's next" mode, which often leads to anxiety and stress!
Let's break out of that cycle and reconnect with your mind, body and yourself with a new exercise.
Have you heard of Jack Canfield? He is the author of the Chicken Soup Books! Don't you just love those?
The exercise comes from him.
The perfect time to do this is after you've finished your nighttime routine – washed your face, brushed your teeth, etc.
All you have to do is look in the mirror and say to yourself – OUT LOUD! – how much you appreciate everything you accomplished during the day.
Sounds WEIRD, right? And it will feel funny too, and you'll probably feel awkward as well. I know I did at first, but it's NOT…. keep reading.
It's essentially what I do on a weekly basis with my clients and myself - celebrate ALL your WINS, no matter how small!
No WIN is too small!
So, get up in that mirror and look at your beautiful self...
Celebrate/Appreciate EVERYTHING, from the little things:
- making dinner
- walking the dog
- showing yourself some grace through some bumpy situations
- choosing the apple instead of the cookie
- getting in 3 strength training sessions a week
- handling a parenting situation well
To the biggest things:
- finishing a work project
- tackling a chore, you've been dreading
- training for and completing an adventure race
- getting a new job
- Repainting the living room
To name a few!
If it's something that makes you feel good about yourself, SAY IT OUT LOUD. And then thank yourself for doing it!
And when you're done, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself: "I LOVE YOU."
Yes, again, you might feel a little silly or awkward the first few times while doing this exercise.
But trust me: you'll notice a real difference in your life and your confidence if you start doing this every night.
Try this as an experiment for ONE WEEK and see if you notice a change in your confidence and self-esteem! And also, how it shifts how you look at your daily activities.
Are you going to give this a try? Hit REPLY on this email and let me know!
Thanks for reading, have a great day!
In Strength & to Your Success,
P. S. A lil more about Boulder Shoulder September!
This is the program for you if...
- want to really build muscle!
- you are NOT afraid to lift. You aren’t afraid of muscle mass.
- want to add size and strength to their upper bodies.
- have at least 6 months - 1 year of strength training experience under their belts.
- have access to either dumbbells, a barbell, and a set of bands.
In 3 short weeks, you will see a change in your upper body, if you follow the program and are consistent with it. If you miss a day, hop right back on it. The gainz that you’ll achieve will happen if you are showing up and lifting like you mean it! The results will be up to you.