Happy Thanksgiving ! I am incredibly thankful to have you in my tribe...my inner circle. Thank you for being here, allowing me to take up residence in your inbox, and taking my advice, and supporting my
I know, you get too many emails every day (who doesn't?), yet here you are, reading mine again - thank you!!
Seriously, it means the world to me!
I hope you have the best days celebrating with your loved ones, despite this year being a crazy one!
This year at your Thanksgiving meal, I hope that you can grab your plate, put the things that you love on it, enjoy, and savor every single bit without ridicule and such.
And if you aren’t quite at peace with ALL Food just yet, keep working on your relationship with food. It will get better with time; I just know it will! Remember, it’s a journey; it’s a
If you missed my Thanksgiving IG post from the other day for Thanksgiving, heck, this sound advice applies to any holiday meals, festivities, etc. See the full post here with the face that I make when folks give voodoo quackery advice, lol!
Furthermore, you ain’t got to be burning your Turkey off and such!
Eat the food, cherish the time with your loved ones, and be 100% present.
Don’t obsess about the food; eat what you love and move on with life!
Lift thing things if you want but not for punishment but because movement/lifting is a gift.
We DO NOT NEED TO EARN OUR FOOD, Nor PUNISH ourselves because we overate or indulged.
Lastly, remember what the Holidays are all about- creating memories, spending time with your family, friends, and just enjoying life.
Happiest Thanksgiving, STRONG friend!
In Strength
P.S. Don't forget that you'll be getting a resistible Black Friday offer in your inbox at 5 am tomorrow. Look for the subject line, "Black Friday doors are OPEN! (limited
spots)" I know your inbox will be on slam with a ton of Black Friday offers - I don't want you to miss it! :D
P.S. Any questions don't hesitate to reach out!