Good morning, STRONG Friend! Happy Thursday & Happy April!
I hope this email finds you well.
Let's talk morning routines! I will say that your morning routine does not have to be like anyone else's. Don't compare your morning routine to the perfectly curated IG Influencers.
Your morning routine could be 1 or 2 things that get you going for the day, or it could be different day-to-day!
So, do you have a morning routine? If so, how is it going for you? If not, would you like to start one?
If so, I have few ways you can implement or improve your morning routine.
Morning routines are meant to get your day started on a good note. They are not meant to stress you out.
Here are few things you do to enhance your morning routine:
1) - Wait 30 minutes before scrolling your phone. This sends a strong message to your subconscious. It tells it YOU are in charge of your day, not your phone or what's happening in the news or on social media.
When I started my morning routine a couple of years ago, this was one of the things I first started. It's a game-changer.
If you do just this one thing from the list, I know for sure your mornings will be much brighter!
2) Drink water BEFORE coffee. Treat yourself to a big glass of water before you sip that coffee. And, if you aren't entirely on board with this tip yet, no problem. Well, at least pour your coffee & and a glass of water. Double fist it and wait to get the second cup of coffee until you finish that glass of
3) Start your day with some type of movement.
For me, it's almost a walk for at least 20-ish minutes in the morning while drinking my water before coffee. Multi-tasking, so when I get home, I'll have a cup of coffee.
4) Let the natural light shine in! Open up those curtains in the morning. This helps reset your body's internal clock to wake up earlier, as well as naturally boost your energy.
5) Listen to your favorite songs while you go through your morning routine. Studies show music can boost your mood as well as make you more alert! And it's a lot more calming than a rundown of the latest news.
6) Read for 15 minutes or do a Devotional. This tip can be a perfect substitution for scrolling first thing in the morning!
7) Do something FUN. If you have a smart device like an Alexa, try playing "question of the day" while you go about your routine. It will give your brain a challenge first thing in the morning to start your day.
8) Light a naturally scented candle or turn on a diffuser that contains energizing organic essential oils. Anything in the citrus or mint families can help rev you up.
9) Change into real clothes if you work from home! You'll feel 100 percent better!
10 - BONUS TIP! Disclaimer: This one WILL add time to your daily routine, but not during your morning. Before you go to bed at night, do as many of your morning to-do's as possible: pack your workout clothes, prep your breakfast, etc.
I hope this list gave you a few ideas for changing up your morning routine to make it more energizing!
You'll be surprised how something that seems so small can change your day in a BIG way.
And speaking of big changes … if you're ready to take the next step in your nutrition and fitness journey, I will help you weed out the nonsense and help you build out a personalized nutrition and training plan to fit your needs, goals, and personal preferences.
Reply back to this email if you are interested!
In Strength & to Your Success,
P.S. The NEW STRONGER Way workouts are ready for April!
I'd love for you to join if you are seeking structure with your workouts, if you want to increase your strength and build muscle.
If this is your first time hearing about the STRONGER Way monthly group training program, I created The STRONGER Way Strength Training Membership to provide women with a structured training plan that is effective, enjoyable, efficient, results-driven, and can be done without killing themselves in the gym or spinning their wheels getting nowhere fast.
Check out the program here and to sign-up!