Hey, hey ! Happy Thursday! How are you today? I hope all is well!
In the last few emails, I've been talking to you about getting the results that you want - making progress, being consistent, etc.
This email will dive a bit deeper into how you can keep progressing, even when you hit that bump in the road - aka, when life happens or when you get thrown off your game.
When you peel back the layers of who you have to become to reach your goals, it starts with Discipline. Well, it's one of the pieces that makes the train keep on going - consistency, patience, time, and perseverance!
"Through discipline comes freedom." ~ Aristotle
It sounds like an oxymoron, right? Isn't the idea of freedom to be FREE of discipline?
But it isn't.
For example, if you want more free time, you have to be disciplined in the way you spend your time.
And another example, if you want financial freedom, you have to be disciplined with how you handle your finances.
Basically, it's about taking 100% ownership of your actions AND the results they bring you.
Your actions directly lead to your results- the results you want and those you don't want.
When it comes to health and wellness goals, it's your intentional daily actions that add up the most. It's what you do MOST of the time!
It's your choice as to whether they take you in the direction of the results you want.
- You can choose to go for a walk or sit on the couch.
- You can decide to take your lunch to work or not.
- You can choose to stay up late binge-watching Netflix or go to bed to make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep.
The best part about all of this is that YOU are the one who makes those decisions. This means YOU are the one who is 100% responsible and ultimately the one in control.
You are in the driver's seat!
And this is really good news.
This does NOT mean beating yourself up if you choose actions that keep you where you are, or even move you further away from your goals.
Instead, it's about OWNING your actions, regrouping if you're not happy with the results, dust your shoulders off and KEEP GOING!
So, what decisions will YOU be making today?
If something is pulling at you to take that next step towards your goals, I'm here for you!
Together, we can develop a plan that works for your life, your goals, and your unique needs.
Interested in exploring how I can help you reach your goals? Reply to this email, and we can set up a time to chat!
Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful rest of your day!
In Strength & to Your Success,
P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for my 40th Birthday Super Sale - an email will hit you inbox Wednesday morning, May 5th!!