Hey, hey, happy Wednesday, STRONG friend!
Just poppin in to share my latest blog! It's been a hot minute since I wrote one. I want to get back into writing a bit more for my own website.
So anywoodle, you can check out my latest blog here.
Before you head off, I want you to remember a couple of things that go well with my latest blog!
1. A calorie deficit is needed for fat loss, not a mainstream diet. Unless you can stick with {insert diet} for many, many years.
It really comes down to managing your overall intake. That means you can eat and enjoy the foods you love, in a caloric deficit, when your goal is fat loss. OF COURSE, you want to eat whole foods, first and foremost, and then fill in the rest with those foods you just love to eat.
2. ALL FOODS FIT! I mentioned this above, but they really do. All foods can fit into a well-balanced diet! You should be including all macronutrients into your diet... sufficient protein, carbs (starch, veggies (fiber), fruit), and fats!!
When you eat balanced meals that are filling your Hunger, Energy, and Cravings will be in check! They also must be satisfying - stop eating boring food!
Whelp, I wanted to keep it short and sweet and to the point. If you would like to learn about setting up your fat loss phase the Right Way, the Sane Way, and the Sustainable Way... check my blog
>> The Super Simple and Sane Start to Fat loss without the Extremes!
It's a quick read with actionable steps that you can take to start your fat loss journey the RIGHT Way!
Thank you for reading! I hope your week is going well!
In Strength & to your Success,
P.S. Notice in the title that I said phase! You shouldn't be a fat loss phase all year around because it is not healthy for your mind, your muscle, or your metabolism!