Hey, hey !
But what is too much muscle?
It’s subjective.
You get to decide what is too much!
I wouldn’t base that off of how much muscle anther person has though. Ya now like the folks you see around the internets.
And if you so happen to build “too much” muscle you can always scale back the way you’re training and how much.
It’s really hard to build muscle.
It’s not something that will happen overnight. The only time you have the potential to build muscle quickly is when you first start lifting. You may have heard of the phenomena…. newbie gainz.
Newbie gainz is real thing. Boy do I miss those days. How about you?
OR.... if you are using a chemical enhancement. I'm willing to bet you aren't!
You really have to dedicate yourself to the task of building too much muscle.
You’ll have to create an environment that will grow muscle for years and years. Men actually have to work hard too.
The least of your worries is getting bulky. Not that we need to be worrying, but in relation to the topic hand - the worry lies in muscle loss.
If you had to worry about something - it would be losing muscle, not how much muscle you are gaining!
STRONG friend, when you really give lifting a real chance without the hang ups or fears that you have about it - you will fully fall in love with it. From the way it makes you feel to how you look.
Lifting is so much more…
- It improves your hormonal health.
- It prevents sarcopenia.
- Lack of muscle mass is a predictor of our mortality rate - well, of course, one of them. Folks who have more muscle live longer.
- It improves bone mineral density, which will prevent osteoporosis and osteopenia.
- Having muscle mass improves your metabolic rate.
So as you can see, lifting is KING or QUEEN! Whichever you prefer. It’s the butter to your bread, lol! You get the point.
So, STRONG friend. Don’t neglect your strength training practice!
And with that said, I’d love to help you get a jump start on building your upper body STRONG with my speciality Boulder Shoulder Program.
There’s still a chance to grab the program before the doors close!
You in?
Oh, and one more thing - if this isn't a good time for you to start the program, or you're currently doing another program, I would encourage you to grab it anyway, because it's a repeatable program!
You'll have it forever! I don't want you to miss this, so grab it up before the price increases! We start tomorrow, Monday, September 13, 2021!
I hope you're having the best Sunday! Don't hesitate to reach out with a questions!
In Strength & to Your Success,
P.S. Quick reminder this is an all-new Boulder Shoulder Program! So, if you joined me last year, it is not the same workouts.